
I has $15.35 in coin, and my wallet will not shut.
I has too many $50 notes in my wallet and I don't like carrying around.
I just got my bank statement and I am thinking about putting those fifties back in there.
I has 26 days of waiting, and I want them to go fast.
I has 2 squares of chocolate left and I'm wondering where they all went.
I has an alien water bottle, and he is never quite full.
I has a fountain pen and I am not sure where I have left it.
I has a boyfriend, and really he does spoil me far too much.
I has $15.35 in coin, and my wallet WILL NOT SHUT DAMMIT


Rhett said...

Guilty =P But I like doing it. I like to see you spoilt. So prepare to be spoilt, missy =)

Cora Stornaway said...

oh noooooooes!!! not the spoilature!!! XD