


yes yes i know i've been away for a lawng time.
Since I've been away, much has transpired. I have started Uni. I have gone Wild And Nuts. I have divested myself of pants. I have torn a rather artistic looking hole in my jeans. I have snogged people. I have not snogged many other people. I have drunk many cups of tea.

I have begun to study LATIN.

is 20 lines of Aulularia by Plautus. No macrons though, I can't be bothered to type them all in.

quis es tu? ego sum Euclio. senex sum
quis es tu? egu sum Phaedra. filia Euclionis sum.
quis est tu? Staphyla sum, serua Euclionis
qui estis? familia Euclionis sumus.

dramatis personae
Euclio: Euclio senex est, pater Phaedrae.
Phaedra: Phaedra filia Euclionis est.
Staphyla: serua Euclionis est.
Euclio senex est. Euclio senex auarus est. Euclio in aedibus habitat cum filia. filia Euclionis Phaedra est. est et serua in aedibus. serua nomen est Staphyla.
Eulcionis familia in aedibus habitat. sunt in familia Euclionis paterfamilias, et Phaedra filia Euclionis, et Staphyla serua. omnes in aedibus habitant.

Demaenetus: Demaenetus senex est, Euclionis auus.
seruus: serui nomen est Dauus.
serua: seruae nomen est Pamphila.
coquus et tibicina.
(seruus in scaenum intrat. ante ianuam Demaeneti stat et clamat. cur clamat? clamat quod seruam uocat)
SERVVS: heus, Pamphila! ego Dauus te uoco!
SERVA: quis me uocat? quis clamat?
SERVVS: egu Dauus te uoco.
SERVA: quid est? cur me uocas?
(seruus ad ianuam appropinquat, sed ianua clausa est. seruus igitur ianuam pulsat)

would you like a translation?
who are you? I am Euclio, I am an old man.
who are you? I am Phaedra. I am Euclio's daughter.
who are you? I am Staphyla, Euclio's female slave.
who are you all? We are Euclio's household.

Euclio: Euclio is an old man, father of Phaedra
Phaedra: Phaedra is the daughter of Euclio
Staphyla: Euclio's female slave

Euclio is an old man. Euclio is an old miserly man. Euclio lives in the house with his daughter. Euclio's daughter is Phaedra. There is a slave in the house. The slave's name is Staphyla.

Demaenetus: Demaenetus is an old man, Eculio's grandfather.
slave: the name of the slave is Dauus
Slave: the slave's name is Pamphila
cook and pipe girl
(slave enters the stage)
slave: hey Pamphila! I, Dauus, call you!
Slave: who calls me? Who shouts?
slave: I, Dauus, call you!
Slave: Who is? Why call me?
(slave approaches the door, but the door is closed. The slave therefore pounds on the door.)

see. I know you wanted that.
there'll be more, next time. I won't bore you with the declensions I've been doing, they're duller than dull ditchwater, I tells ya.

Yup, I'm kokin' my yummee yummers, I'm that excited. Now, what to wear.......

Shaolada XD

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