
Four exams daown, one to go!
Of course, the curriculum council, being dumb and stupid and annoying has decided that not only would I have the VERY FIRST exam, I'd have the VERY LAST exam too. So by the time I finish my French exam, I shall be one of only two year 12 boarders in the bh.
Instead, I shall take revenge on my file salad by jumping up and down on it, then selling off all my books. Well, all the ones that I haven't tortured out of usefulness. Or lost. I bet I've lost the ones they'll need for next year. So typical.
Laaaaahrens' gone now. Devo =P nah not really I'll se her again. I hope.
Oh yes, this is her blog: http://mushroomloaf.wordpress.com
and Lana's is http://heartsandhearts.wordpress.com
and Mei's http://iheartfrankie.wordpress.com

They're all wordpress^^. I decided to be different, so I'm on blogspot, with its annoying Americanised spelling. Gar. Hatred!!


Anonymous said...

haha comment comment
i commented you
good luck for french!

why do you have my cat as your dp?

Anonymous said...

I'm not just commenting because lauren did
I keep procrastinating
you know
exams and stuff
oh man
I can't wait
we can drink cheap wine on the beach
and then get in trouble from the police...
It's all part of the the fun y'know