
Well =)
Leavers was beyond awesome-many lovely peoples, much lovely booze. Don't put cereal with beer, don't talk to pot-smoking toolies. Don't turn around to see where Kirri is, he'll be peeing in a bush, and then Trell will see too and decide he needs to pee also. Don't sit in the hammock, the fatties broked it. Do have fun. Lots of that.
Went to Andre Rieu last night-beyond fabulous. BESTEST music, even if they did play the bolero at top speed.
Time to WHINGE
What the hell is with people who go to concerts like Andre Rieu and TALK THE WHOLE FREAKING TIME? About things they could discuss in a coffee shop! Do they not understand that they are disturbing and annoying other people around them, and that it is incredibly disrespectful to the performer? Do they LIKE people turning around and asking them to be quiet, or if they think we care? ARGH they drive me nuts. Very nuts. Muchly nuts. ANGRY NUTS.
I shall discuss my current mood tomorrow.


IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do believe it's celebration time....now, where is that rum?


and then.....
well, don't you just want to know?


I has $15.35 in coin, and my wallet will not shut.
I has too many $50 notes in my wallet and I don't like carrying around.
I just got my bank statement and I am thinking about putting those fifties back in there.
I has 26 days of waiting, and I want them to go fast.
I has 2 squares of chocolate left and I'm wondering where they all went.
I has an alien water bottle, and he is never quite full.
I has a fountain pen and I am not sure where I have left it.
I has a boyfriend, and really he does spoil me far too much.
I has $15.35 in coin, and my wallet WILL NOT SHUT DAMMIT
I have one exam left.
It is French.
I do not like French Exams. They are hard.
And difficult.
And have vocab I do not know.
I went to Busselton for the weekend. It was fun.
However, the Campbellator was there. It then became awkward, as she watched Meggy and I smeg around in the *indoor* *heated* pool like goons without brains.
And she kept saying "hello."
Did she not understand that I simply wanted to forget her existance? Or was she simply too strange to notice? I shall never know, as I do not plan to ask.
I ruined my favourite boots, too. Well, not ruined...hopefully a lick of polish...or maybe some paint...will fix them. They costed me a lot of the moolah too. Fair, it is not.
This summer I shall wash my ugg boots.
Fascinating, isn't it. I shall even post before and after pictures.
Then you shall all be excited, I bet.


Four exams daown, one to go!
Of course, the curriculum council, being dumb and stupid and annoying has decided that not only would I have the VERY FIRST exam, I'd have the VERY LAST exam too. So by the time I finish my French exam, I shall be one of only two year 12 boarders in the bh.
Instead, I shall take revenge on my file salad by jumping up and down on it, then selling off all my books. Well, all the ones that I haven't tortured out of usefulness. Or lost. I bet I've lost the ones they'll need for next year. So typical.
Laaaaahrens' gone now. Devo =P nah not really I'll se her again. I hope.
Oh yes, this is her blog: http://mushroomloaf.wordpress.com
and Lana's is http://heartsandhearts.wordpress.com
and Mei's http://iheartfrankie.wordpress.com

They're all wordpress^^. I decided to be different, so I'm on blogspot, with its annoying Americanised spelling. Gar. Hatred!!



Revenge is sweet. Especially revenge against MATHS FILES BRUHAHAHAH!!!
Lauren and myself just tore her maths file to little tiny pieces, took many photos and the but it all in a big plastic bag, took *more* photos, and now it's being stored under her desk, so that whenever she has an exam, we shall tear her files to shreds. I shall try to convince the Flossinator to come to unsere haus the weekend to *burn* my files ^^. You can come too. WAIT NO YOU CAN'T STAY AWAAAAAAAAY you big scary person!

I'll add photos when Lauren sends them to me. If she gets around to it. I'll sit on her until she does or something.
Lauren just came in to tell me she's put me on her blogroll. That's handy, maybe somebody'll actually read this then . I'll put her on my blogroll too. Do I have a blogroll? Hmmm. This requires investimigating. Later though....
While the Laurenator was in here, discussing blogrolls (which I haven't spelt correctly first time round yet), I put my hand up to fiddle with my earring and discovered.....*cue screaming fangirls* MY GLAND IS SWOLLENNNNN. Yeah bet you wanted to know that... but seriously, it's like I'm storing a marble in there. Other one's fine, but hmmm, a marbley gland. How completely odd and rather annoying.
I'm going to do something constructive now, like lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling.


10 30 pm, night before history final TEE exam: starts studying
(Actually, I think it was the lure of Inuyasha...Damn him and his pointy ears! Thank God that Kikyo is DEAD forever!)


Still haven't done History revision...time is running out. *Shit, shit*
Gotta pack up this room, too. I leave in...less than 24 hours *Shit, shit, shit*
Must clear out locker *Shit, shit, shit, shit*
Need to study for Discrete *Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit*
Have got to stop going to bed at four in the morning *S, s, s, s, s, s*
I'm screwed, aye! ^^